January 2021

Still lying low through the pandemic.

Doing some writing. It is a triumph every time I put words on the page. I’m very happy to have brought back this, my personal website, to publish these small works.

There are a few greater projects on the horizon that I am reluctant to engage with. A fear of failure? Of uncertainty? Or do I just need more energy/alacrity?

Meditation, walking, and exercise help. I got an Apple Watch recently and it is surprisingly motivational for health and fitness, even for me who uses all kinds of external systems. The biometric information is also interesting — I’ve never had a clear view of my heart rate or caloric expenditure before. Most data like that is a distraction, but if it can inform your actions, make good use of it.

The world feels especially complex these days. The stage is set for grand changes to be made, new ideas explored.

I don’t especially have a plan.

Gregory Toprak